Next Level Learning
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

Where do you stand with blended learning?

For instructors at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

The statements

Organise Structures Student Choice

As a team, we chose a clear structure to organize the content within our courses.

Activate connectedness Groups

I set aside time each semester and each class to create a sense of community and build rapport with and among my students.

Share Accessibility Accessibility Autism Student Choice

I communicate expectations consistently and in a clear manner.

Evaluate Peer feedback

My students give feedback to each other on their work. I guide students through this process by modeling constructive feedback.

Sustainable Practice No paper No paper

I limit my use of paper by creating and sharing digital materials.

Activate Collaboration Cooperation Facilitate Groups

I create activities that require students to work together.

Organise Objective Objectives

Under each topic and activity you explain what students need to do and remind the students of the corresponding learning objective

Evaluate Student Choice

I integrate multiple opportunities for self-assessment in my course via peer feedback activities, rubrics, quizzes and interactive content.

Activate Engaging with material Interaction

I encourage interaction with course material and engage students via quizzes and discussions.

Share Accessibility Student Choice

I supplement content material with a variety of media, such as audio or video clips.

Sustainable Practice Continuous Improvement Evaluate

I get feedback from my students on what I can do to improve the course.

Activate communication engagement tools

I use activities and digital tools to build community with and amongst students.

Sustainable Practice Development E-learning Flexibility Mooc

My course is organized without fixed teaching moments and students can begin at any time.

Share Diversity Inclusion insluiting

In my teaching materials and interactions with students, I make sure that differences are embraced and that all students feel welcome.

Organise Filtering Groups Groups Restrictions Sections Quick Win

We use 'sections' to organize class groups. Within class groups, we use the 'group' function to facilitate collaboration such as group work, turning in group submissions, and group communication.

Organise Copyright Literature Resources

There is an easily accessible overview of resources and literature

Organise Answers FAQ Forum Questions Quick Win

I create a space for students to ask questions and I post the answers that are relevant for everyone.

Activate Collaboration Interaction

In addition to incorporating group work and group activities in my course, I provide clear guidelines and expectations to facilitate succesful collaboration.

Sustainable Practice CC Creative Commons Licenses Licenses OER Quick Win

Whenever possible, I reuse material from others and I look for open educational resources.

Sustainable Practice Creative Commons Licenses

Any material that I make, such as instructional videos or slide shows, I share with my colleagues.

Sustainable Practice Auto Blended Development Kilometers Train Travel

I hold face-to-face lessons and ask students to travel to class only when it is necessary for students to come together.

Sustainable Practice Copying Embed Version Management

I provide links to material to prevent multiple copies.

Share Diversity Gender Racism Stereotypes Quick Win

When I use materials or examples, I include a range of ethnicities, genders, and perspectives.

Share Accessibility Accessibility Audio Videos

I add transcripts to recorded material.

Share Accessibility Examples Structures

I present information, homework, exercises and announcements on a Brightspace web page with the AUAS template.

Share Accessibility Visual Impairment Quick Win

When I use an image, I also describe the image in the alternative text for those who are visually impaired.

Share Accessibility Teacher feedback

I give clear and actionable feedback in a variety of modes to support my students.

Evaluate Quick Win

I include feedback in content and activities. This helps me and my students assess progress.

Evaluate Teacher feedback

I give students SMART feedback consistently throughout the course.

Evaluate Student Choice

My team has consistent expectations around formative and summative feedback.


When assigning activities or tasks, I clearly outline what students should do when, and how that will be assessed.

Activate Ownership Ownership Portfolio studentsturing

My course encourages students to take ownership of their learning.

Activate Rubrics Teacher feedback

I consistently give students feedback on their work products and progress towards learning goals

Activate feedbackfruits FeedbackFruits Peer feedback Peer feedback Student Choice

I incorporate peer feedback moments in activities so that students can learn from each other.

Activate Objective Objectives Skills

I make sure the link to learning objectives is clear when assigning activities, tasks, and assessments.


I ensure that students understand what activities and objectives make up an assessment and that they are aware of assessment criteria and timelines.

Organise Student Choice

I consistently use the AUAS template throughout my course

Organise Quick Win

I am clear about which activities students are expected to do. These activities are labeled with instructions and timelines.

Organise Objectives

Course objectives, activities, and assessments are consistent with the course catalog and the education and exam board regulations.

Organise Meaningful Titles Structures Student Choice

Headers, titles, and labels are meaningful and consistent. They help students understand what the content is and what they should do.

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