Next Level Learning
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Evaluate this topic in the Quality Scan
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Sustainable Practice
Continuous Improvement Evaluate

I get feedback from my students on what I can do to improve the course.

Even though you are busy preparing for the next block, is is good to move forward with an idea of strengths and weaknesses. Having concrete areas for improvement means you can improve as you move forward. Goals can be small, such as including more higher-level thinking questions in class, or big, such as wanting to redevelop and blend your teaching. Either way, progress can be made in small steps as long as we are aware of where to focus.

Topics to evaluate

What can I look for?

Icoon Context


Can students find the information they need? Is it in a logical place and do you have the same structure throughout the module, course, and department?

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Clarity and Expectations

Do the students understand the learning goals? Do they understand expectations around communications and participation?



Do the materials clearly support learning goals and prepare students for assessments? Is there a variety of modes offered to support different learning styles?

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Are the course, the material, and the activities engaging? What small changes can you make to make things more interactive? Do the students have ideas about activities or assessments that would meet the learning goals?

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